
    Our shipping business consists of shipowning and shipmanagement.
    We, as a tonnage provider, time charter out our ships to various charterers with efficient shipmanagement service.


    We own various types of ships that are environmentally friendly and fuel-efficient.

    For over 90 years, we have endeavoured to own ships that meet the needs of the times.
    As risk hedge, we strive to maintain a diverse range of vessel types, each with its own characteristics, specialties, and market conditions, with our extensive knowledges and expertises.
    Our current fleet includes bulk carriers, container ships, product tankers, chemical tankers, LNG and LPG tankers.
    Our fleet diversity not only ensures alignment with customer needs but also mitigates risks associated with concentration of a particular type of ship.
    In line with achieving a sustainable society, our current fleet is equipped with some environment-protection measures as well as fuel-efficiency.
    We charter out these ships, along with efficient shipmanagement services, to major shipping companies, resource companies, resource traders, power companies, grain majors, and other major shippers and consignors worldwide under time charter scheme, which is our main business model.

    We have three commitments in owning vessels.

    • Ensuring vessel’s safety, cost-efficiency and competitiveness, and protection of the environment
    • Adapting to changing times by continuously evolving
    • Providing vessel solutions, including owning methods, that are timely and continually meeting customers’ requirements


    We continue to contribute to our customers’ ocean transportation by providing vessel solutions that we are committed to.


    Our shipmanagement directly relates to safety of our vessels and environmental conservation.

    Based on the ISM Code that prioritizes safe operation of vessels, environmental conservation, and prevention of loss of life, the Marine Dep. and Technical Dep. collaborate to supervise our vessels.
    In recent years, there has been an increasing demand from customers for high-quality of shipmanagement, making it one of the most important and crucial services among those currently offered by our company.
    To meet the high-quality standards required by our customers, we prioritize the following five aspects.


    • Safe operation of vessels based on the International Ship Management (ISM) Code
    • Environmental conservation, including decarbonization
    • Health and well-being of ships’ crew
    • Improvement of vessels’ performance, including fuel eficiency
    • Optimization of our funds injected to improve the vessels’ performance quality


    It is certain that the demand for highly-qualified shipmanagement has been increasing and will never stop.
    We will continue to ensure the execution of the “five priorities” and further develop them to pursue our intending shipmanagement quality.

    Aircraft Leasing

    With nearly 20 years experience,
    we lease out state-of-the-art passenger aircrafts
    to major airlines worldwide under operating lease scheme.

    The number of aircrafts leased under the operating lease scheme currently accounts for approximately half of the total number of aircrafts in the global aircraft leasing market.
    This trend reflects airlines’ demands mainly to off-balance aircraft ownership and enhance operational flexibility.
    With almost two decades in this business, we have a wide range of modern passenger aircrafts, including fuel-efficient wide-body and narrow-body types, and lease them out to major airlines worldwide under operating lease scheme.
    We also form a joint venture with a major Japanese leasing company for operating lease business.
    While the aircraft leasing market has faced challenges such as the SARS virus and the Lehman Shock in the past, it demonstrated resilience, quickly rebounding to normal levels after temporary downturns.
    Despite significant impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, the market has similary returned to its noramal state along with the movement of people worldwide and has even boomed thereafter.
    The aircraft leasing market is relatively stable compared to the shipping market, and this supplements our shipping business.
    We will continue to reinforce the aircraft leasing business in order to further strengthen our business psition through diversified investment.

    Real Estate Leasing

    We invest in real estate primarily focusing on office spaces
    in central Tokyo and lease them out.

    We recognize that a well-balanced business portfolio is essential to our future growth and strengthening of our business position, and we thus have invested in real estate, mainly office spaces, in central Tokyo and lease them out on long-term basis.
    With the improved transportation infrastructure, the continued large-scale city development, and the concentration of global business, it is anticipated that the increase in population will accelerate, and demand for real estate will further grow in central Tokyo.
    Based on these premises, we will continue expanding real estate investment with the aim of forming our well-balanced business portfolio.